DescriptionAdhesions are fibrous bands that form between two surfaces scarlike tissue in the body.Abdominal surgery, endometriosis, attacks of appendicitis, or pelvic inflammatorydisease (PID) can also cause intraperitoneal adhesions. Depending on the affected tissue, adhesions can cause various disorders. In the eye, iris adhesion to the lens cancause glaucoma. In the intestines, adhesions can cause intestinal obstruction eitherpartially or entirely. While Adhesion pelvis can cause infertility and reproductiveproblems.SymptomsSymptoms depend on the network that attacked.* Glaucoma:- loss of vision- sore eyes- red eye- swelling of the eye- nausea and vomiting* Bowel Obstruction:- bloating- nausea- vomiting* Infertility:- difficult to get a descent despite active sexual activityTreatmentSurgery can be done to separate the adhesion. This often helps the movement ofnormal organs and to reduce the symptoms caused by adhesion.