Coughing is not a disease but a symptom of disease. Coughing is a reflex the body's defense to remove phlegm, ripple, and other foreign matter from the respiratory tract. Therefore, the term for relieving symptoms of cough is called symptomatic. Cough consists of two kinds: (1) dry cough, and (2) cough with phlegm. As for the medicine also can be divided into two types: (1) Anti-tusif: dextromethorphan and diphenhydramine. (2) Expectorant: guaifenesin, glyceryl guaikolat, ammonium chloride, and succus bromheksin liquiritae. Anti-tusif useful for treating dry cough while expectorant to treat cough with phlegm. One type of cough is a cough bronkittis. This type of cough due to inflammation of the airways to the lungs. Brokitis can be distinguished in several ways according to the cause. Infectious bronchitis caused by viruses and bacteria. Recurrent bronchitis in smokers and people with lung disease. Irritating bronchitis caused by dust, smoke, air pollution, and smoking.