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Oral Cancer

DescriptionCancer is defined as the uncontrolled growth of cells that attack and cause damage tosurrounding tissues. Oral cancers arise due to growth or sores in the mouth that is notlost. Oral cancer includes cancer lips, tongue, cheek, floor of the mouth, soft palate andhard, sinuses, and pharynx (throat), can be life threatening if not diagnosed and treatedearly.Risk factor for oral cancer include:* Smoking* Menginang* Excessive alcohol consumption* History of oral cancer in the family* Exposure to excessive sunlight.Symptoms* Swelling* Penderahan obscure Musababnya in mouth* The pain / pain in the face, mouth and neck.* Kesulitasn chewing, swallowing, and speaking* chronic hoarsenessTreatmentChoice of treatment depends primarily on public health, where in the mouth ororopharynx the cancer began, tumor size, and whether the cancer has spread. The doctor can describe treatment options and expected outcomes.