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Pubic Lice

DescriptionPubic lice are small six-legged creatures that infect the pubic hair area and lay eggs.Ticks can also be found in the armpit hair and eyebrows. Pubic lice are known asPhthirus pubis. Ticks are mostly found in adolescents. Transmission usually occursduring sexual activity. However, it also can occur through physical contact withcontaminated objects such as toilet seats, sheets, and blankets. Some women getpubic lice when trying swimsuits in a store.Other types of lice include:* The body louse (Pediculus humanus corporis)* Head lice (Pediculus humanus capitis)Risk factors include:* Being a sexually active teenager* Having multiple sexual partners* Sexual contact with an infected person* Sharing the bed or clothing with an infected personSymptoms* Eggs (nits) of adult fleas that can be seen* Itching in the pubic area (often gets worse at night)* bluish skin reactions* sores in the genital area due to biting and scratchingTreatment* Mengeramasi pubic hair and surrounding area at least for 5 minutes.* Rinse well.* Combing pubic hair with a fine toothed comb to remove eggs.